In general, I know the answer is yes! But my algorithm, already successfully implemented in MATLAB, is based on the FastICA algorithm for independent component analysis. Its main function is to achieve the separation of two blind signals. But this algorithm contains the iterative process and matrix operations, which I don't see built-in support for in Audio Weaver! Can I implement these operations as custom Audio Weaver modules? If it is possible, how can I achieve this?
By the way, I use the version of Audio Weaver 5.16.B04 Pro!
Unfortunately, we don't yet have any matrix operation modules built-in to Audio Weaver. We do see some demand for these modules, so they may be included in a future version of Audio Weaver.
In the meantime, you can absolutely create your own custom modules for your specific needs. Please see the 'Audio Weaverâ„¢ Module Developers Guide' for a detailed explanation of how to create your own modules:
The main idea is to first create the MATLAB support code in .m files, and then write the processing code in C. There are examples, code templates, and automation tools included to make the custom module creation process as easy as possible.
Good luck! Let me know if you have any specific questions about this process.