Would there be some ready AWE module for averaging let say couple samples (WOLA bins, gains etc) so that output is always average of current sample and it's adjacent sample? I found Averager module but it will later start exponential averaging.
Regards, Mike
Hi Mike,
The SampleStatistics module can be used to compute a sample-by-sample average. Just set the statisticsType value to 4 to compute the mean.
Thanks Michael, is there a way to use this for example for WOLA bins, to average every WOLA bin with it's adjacent bins so that averaging goes through the whole WOLA buffer?
Hi Mike,
I believe you can still use the SampleStatistics module to achieve this, but since it only operates on real values the WOLA data will need to pass through a ComplexMagnitude module in advance.
If I've misunderstood your requirements in some way, please let me know in addition to providing some more info about how this processing fits into the overall system you're designing. That will help me understand the context better.