Hello DSPC
Thank you for your support.
Can we estimate necessary RAM size of Hardware from "memory usage" of AWE modules?
It is useful if we can , to decide the hardware (which DSP we use,,,)
We've understood the <nnn>_HeapSize.h is also useful.
Hello M.S.,
Yes, this is the correct way to determine the minimum amount of memory needed to run the AWD. In the AWE Designer toolbar: Tools > Generate Target Files > [BaseName]_HeapSize.h.
Hello, Kevin
Thank you for your prompt reply.
How about the size of awb (==Core0_InitCommands_Len)), dose it also effect the amount of memory(RAM) size?
My understandings are
(1) "Memory usage" of each AWE module which we can see in the AWE Designer Canvas includes the heap and code size.
(2) the total RAM size are the sum of the size of the heap ([BaseName]_HeapSize.h) , "Core0_InitCommands_Len ", the size of BSP which we create and Audio Weaver size.
Are my understandings correct?
Now still my understanding are not clear.. Could you help me?
The necessary memory size (program and data) is as follows?
[data]: size of heap ( defined in [BaseName]_HeapSize.h.) .
Dose it include " Core0_InitCommands_Len = sizeof(Core0_InitCommands) / sizeof(int)" ? Or
we need more data memory for "Core0_InitCommands" table?
[program] : size of (BSP + AWE Core)
Best Regards,
Hello M.S.,
Sorry for my delayed response. Your basic statements about data and program memory consumption are correct, but to answer your question, the c-array that you mention is not included in the heap memory requirements. The c-array or .awb (audio weaver binary) file occupies its own memory.
Also, the size of memory that the AWE Core library can be truncated by only linking in the modules that your application needs, using ModuleList.h (additional info here).
Hi, Kevin
Thank you very much, I can understand it well.