I am trying to create a Interpreted Module. In the documentation at: https://documentation.dspconcepts.com/space/DOCHUB/2748822025/Custom+Mod..., there is a section saying that some custom module functions are supported, like the "preBuildFunc".
I have tried to create a new interpreted module with only the preBuildFunc as a custom function. I have put it in a separated file and linked it using: "M.preBuildFunc=@preBuildFunc;"
Setting M.isInterpreted = 1 works in the AWE 8.C.2.5.A Pro version (even shows the tag "interpreted" in the module name). But it doesn't work in theAWE Designer 8.D.1.1 Standard version. When I try to insert the module into the canvas I get the following error message:
"Adding module failed: Previously accessible file 'C:\DSP Concepts\AWE Designer 8.D.1.1 Standard\CustomModule\matlab\preBuildFunc.m' is now inaccessible."
If I do not include the preBuildFunc, the AWE Designer accepts my custom module.
Is there anything else that I should set to make the use of preBuildFunc in the matlab module script?
Thanks in advancce,
Hi Rodrigo,
We are in the process of updating the DSP Concepts' documentation hub (https://documentation.dspconcepts.com/space/DOCHUB/2748809243/Welcome) to include an application note on Interpreted Modules. In the meantime, I've attached a working draft of this app note here:
. Please review and let us know if you are able to resolve your issue.
Hi Michael,
many thanks! The PDF helped a lot. Our issue was solved by the item 2:. "Add spaces around equals signs for assignment functions (see lines 34-37 in Figure 1)".