I have some questions related to the BufferUp & BufferDown modules.
Because I have a custom module that requires a minimum buffer size of 1024,
I put a BufferUp before it and a BufferDown after it to convert from block size 32 to 1024 and back.
This to avoid having the 1024 block size for the entire layout, which would boost the memory requirement for the wires.
The BufferUp module (3 channels) requires 6K words of memory and the BufferDown (2 channels) 4K words, so a total of 10K words or 40 kByte.
(+ some additional scratch memory for the wires between BufferUp/Down and my module)
Q1: Is there a way to reduce the memory penalty associated with BufferUp/Down in this kind of scenario (mix of large and small block size) ?
Q2: BufferUp/Down (V2) are marked as deprecated in the Layout Properties. What would be their replacement ?
I'm using Designer version 8.D.1.1 Pro.
Kind regards,
Hi Joris,
1. Due to the FIFO nature of the BufferUpV2 and BufferDownV2 modules, there isn't a way to reduce the memory penalty. That memory is required to transition between the different block sizes.
2. Actually it is the FifoIn and FifoOut modules that are marked as deprecated in the Layout Properties. Under the hood, BufferUpV2 and BufferDownV2 modules uses these FifoIn and FifoOut modules. In AWE Designer, you can navigate to 'File -> Global Preferences...' and check the 'Show deprecated modules' check box in the Module Browser section of the window. You can then find the FifoIn and FifoOut modules in the Signal Management directory, and can right-click on them to open their Help pages. These Help pages include the disclaimer "THIS MODULE IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. PLEASE USE THE BufferUp and BufferDown MODULES INSTEAD." So you are using the correct modules.
Hi Michael,
thanks for the clarification.
Kind regards,