I am currently testing a custom module for AudioWeaver with the NXP RT685EVK board.
I have created the module, built the DLL, and confirmed that it works correctly in the Native environment.
Next, I am following the documentation(https://documentation.dspconcepts.com/awe-designer/8.D.2.5/deploying-cus...) to implement the necessary steps for the embedded device, but I am encountering an issue at this stage.
Specifically, I used the generated C code and files from the include folder to build the Static Library on the HiFi4 side and created the DSP binary image.
I also edited the ModuleList.
I then built the Static Library for the CM33 side, added it to the include path, cleaned and rebuilt the BSP, and flashed it.
However, when I connect to the embedded device via the AWE Server, the corresponding module does not show up.
Could you help me identify what might be missing or what step I might have overlooked in my process?
Additionally, I reviewed the https://dspconcepts.com/sites/default/files/forum/awe-core-integration-g... , which was mentioned in other documents and community forums.
However, I found the content unclear and was unable to understand what it was trying to convey or what is required.
Could you also help clarify what might be missing in this regard?
Many thanks for any advice.
Regarding the ModuleList.h file, can you confirm what you did there?
I have also used the SysInternals "strings.exe" (or strings in Linux) to scan the created AWECore for the presence of the new class, e.g. awe_modMyNewModule.
"I placed
extern const int awe_modMyNewClass;
under // Additional Modules.Also, under
#define CUSTOM_LIST \
, I placed&awe_modMyNewClass
.Then, under
The issue was caused by including a different version of the HiFi4 DSP binary image during the build in MCUXpresso.
Thank you for all the help and information.
I truly appreciate it, thank you!
Thanks for the update.