I'm trying to setup STM32L496 discovery board with:
- AWE_BSP_stm32l496_s1.4_Installer.exe
- Audio_Weaver_Designer_6.17.06_Standard.exe
following users guide("Audio Weaver STM32L496 Discovery Board Users Guide.pdf").
But AudioWeaver can not connect to the target.
Strange behaviors seems to be:
- LED2 does not flash after programming binary with STM32 ST-LINK utility.( using "STM32L496_Discovery_SW4STM32.bin")
(programming looks like successfully completed since "Verification...OK" message is displayed)
- after the programming, AudioWeaver can not connect to the target, even though VID and PID can be seen on "Change Connection" dialog.(Connection Error dialog is displayed)
Can you please give me advise about what should I check?
Hi Shibuya,
If the LED is not flashing, then it means that the binary was not correctly loaded. Please try doing a full chip erase before loading again, and once loaded, unplug the board so it does a full reset. You could also try using one of the other .bin files (EWARM or MDK_ARM) in case something got corrupted in the SW4STM32 binary.
Let me know if it still doesn't work.
Hi Axel,
Thanks for your reply.
I tried again with 3 binaries(EWARM, MDK_ARM and SW4STM32) after full chip erase, but no differences could be seen...
(LD2 does not flash and AudioWeaver can not connect to the target)
I also checked the programmed data validity by comparing Device memory and File with STM32 ST-LINK utility tool, and they are exactly identical.
Do I need to change the jumper setting from default, or..?
Any comment would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Hey Shibuya,
Can you attach a picture of the Connection Error you're getting when you try to connect the AWE-Server to the L496 board.
I don't believe that there are any jumper settings that need to change in order to run. I will confirm.
Hi Axel,
Please see the pictures below and let me know if any additional pictures/info could be meaningful for checking.
Thanks for the pictures.
Our testing of the binaries on our hardware works without a hitch.
We have seen an issue before with certain revisions of ST hardware not working with our binaries. We are testing with a 'MB1261 Rev A' STM32L496G-Discovery board. Does this match your board? (I can't make out the rev number in the picture you provided).
The only other thing I can think of right now is that you may be using bad cables, which has also caused connection failures in the past. Have you tried using different USB cables?
Hey Shibuya,
After consulting my colleague, he recommended that you erase the external QSPI flash device. Our software expects it to be empty, but ST may store something there by default.
I've attached an updated User Guide that explains how to do this.
Hopefully this will solve your issue!
Hi Axel,
Thanks for your advise.
By erasing QSPI flash device, LD2 flash and AudioWeaver can connect to discovery board!
(Just FYI, my board revision is 'MB1261 rev.B').
But, unfortunately, another issue raised up..
The issue is, no audio is output from 3.5mm audio jack.
I confirmed:
- Audio input to discovery board looks fine(see the AudioWeaver GUI picture attached)
- No valid digital data is transferred on the TDM line between STM32 and Codec (checked LRCK and SDIN line of CS42L51-CNZ with osciloscope).
- By using another STMicro discovery board(STM32F746G-DISCO), I can hear audio output from 3.5 audio jack with exactly same audio weaver project file.
Any ideas for debugging?
Thanks for your patient support.
Hey Shibuya,
Since your meter module is showing that audio is passing through the Audio Weaver system, it looks like you have everything set up correctly. A bug that some user's have experienced is that if their volume level is set to 100, no audio gets output. Please try sliding the volume down when running your layout to see if audio makes it through.