I have created a processing flow with hierarchical subsystems primarily to ease the understanding of the flow into logical components and because I don't have a screen big enough for a flat hierarchy. I painstakingly arrange all of the modules for clarity and flow, then save the result. When I reload, the modules are thrown about and overlap. My annotations no longer point to the right modules. How can I stop this happening. The ordering changes each time. See screenshots of before and after saving ( it has been much worse that this ) :


best regards
Hi Alan. Thanks for posting.
We have identified a bug in Audio Weaver Designer where the position of the modules wasn't updating properly if they were moved with the arrow keys. This issue has been fixed and will be available in the next installer.
For now, you can work around this by making sure to move each module by at least one space using the mouse - this will guarantee an update in the module position.
I hope this helps you.
Hi Axel, thanks for getting back so quick. Good there is a workaround. I will try this until new release.