I downloaded the trial and after installing and trying to run Audio Weaver Designer, I only get a window saying Audio Weaver Server, and no GUI Designer. Do I need to have a dev board connected for the Designer to show up?
Okay, so after messing around, I went to the instalation folder and launched the server and the designer manually instead of using the Audio Weaver evaluation shortcut on the desktop, and was able to run Designer and authenticate.
You do not need a dev board to run Audio Weaver Designer; it can run natively in Windows.
First, please make sure that you allowed the required executables through your firewall as described here: https://www.dspconcepts.com/forums/audio-weaver-designer/61-audio-weaver...
I hope this helps. If not, please respond with the version of Designer that you are using.

I followed the steps in the link. I attached the error I get but the image is not showing
Okay, so after messing around, I went to the instalation folder and launched the server and the designer manually instead of using the Audio Weaver evaluation shortcut on the desktop, and was able to run Designer and authenticate.
Good to hear that you got everything working.
Enjoy using Audio Weaver Designer!