I am using Audio Weaver 5.16.B04 Pro and writing custom modules...
when running the build I am having the folliwng error. Th eexact same code was checked into a repository and was building fine on my older PC (no change)..
I just moved to a new windows 10 PC and trying to rebuild it on that PC but the same code gives an error. I am unable to debug as I cant step into the library files..
The individual modules documentation seem to generate fine and then the error happens towards the end...
Error using awe_generate_doc
Could not open output library HTML file for module documentation
Error in make_bosecustom (line 103)
awe_generate_doc(MM, DOC_DIR, fullfile('_.....
Hi Al,
We will look into this, and I will get back to you with suggestions.
I haven't seen this before. The error message appears in two places in the matlab code. In both places it means that the output HTML file could not be opened. Here is what one of the instances looks like:
DOC = fopen(TOCNAME, 'w');
if (DOC==-1)
error('Could not open output library HTML file for module documentation');
Tell Bose to turn on error checking in Matlab:
dbstop if error
When rerun the script and check the file name and path. Sometimes if the user doesn't have write permission they'll get this error.
Thanks Paul for the suggestion..
Yes looks it might be a permission issue, I was running the build script while my matlab current path was C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin
Changing to desktop, or another location such as my sandbox did not cause an error..