Hi guys
I am not sure about this aspect of Audioweaver so I will ask it. Lets say I have put together an Audioweaver design and compiled and loaded it into flash is it possible to tune it later on if say the client wants to fine tune some parameters such as level or crossover frequency etc ?
Good question. Yes, one can tune Layouts on existing targets, provided A) one has access to the corresponding Layout (.AWD) file and B) one has the Standard or Pro edition of Designer (the ST Edition does not include this functionality).
To do this, select the target in the Server, load the .AWD in designer, and then select Tools / Attach to Running Target.
Thanks matt
The other question is, will it store the new settings in the flash so it boots up with the new settings ?
Once you arrive at an updated tuning, save that as a new Designer file (.AWD); then hit Tools / Generate Target Files to create a binary version of that Layout (.AWB) that can be flashed onto the board.
If you use our Embedded Flash Manager (AWEFlash.c in our Reference BSPs), you can update the target's default Layout from the Server's Flash/Flash Manager menu.
Hi Matt
Just tried to attach an existing AWD to the running binary but I get this error.
"tuning symbol file (.tsf) does not exist. Enable under File Properties and then rebuild the system"
Hi David, Ah, yes. With the AWD open, Tools -> Generate Target Files and check [ ] TSF