When creating custom modules when do you use bmp images and when do you use svg images? I notice some modules have both. Are there any help files on this?
The module palate tree view uses fixed sized BMP images for icons there. When a module block is displayed on the canvas it can have an image inside the block and since the block is resizable on the canvas svg images are used there so that they can be scaled.
M.moduleBrowser.path = 'PASA_modules';
awePath = awe_home;
if exist(awePath,'dir')==0
error('awe_home returned bad path')
imagePath = fullfile(awePath,'/Modules/phoenixModules/images');
M.moduleBrowser.image = fullfile(imagePath,'phoenix.bmp');
M.shapeInfo.svgImage = fullfile(imagePath,'phoenix.svg');
M.moduleBrowser.searchTags = 'phoenixc upmix surround';
M.shapeInfo.size = [12 12]; % Default size of the module in the layout window
But I am not seeing the svg file painted on my module on the canvas.
The module palate tree view uses fixed sized BMP images for icons there. When a module block is displayed on the canvas it can have an image inside the block and since the block is resizable on the canvas svg images are used there so that they can be scaled.
Are there any limitations on the svg file?
my browser script looks like this:
M.moduleBrowser.path = 'PASA_modules';
awePath = awe_home;
if exist(awePath,'dir')==0
error('awe_home returned bad path')
imagePath = fullfile(awePath,'/Modules/phoenixModules/images');
M.moduleBrowser.image = fullfile(imagePath,'phoenix.bmp');
M.shapeInfo.svgImage = fullfile(imagePath,'phoenix.svg');
M.moduleBrowser.searchTags = 'phoenixc upmix surround';
M.shapeInfo.size = [12 12]; % Default size of the module in the layout window
But I am not seeing the svg file painted on my module on the canvas.
In general we expect the file path to the image to be relative to folder containing the generated XML for the module.
Here is an example from our Balance module:
M.shapeInfo.size = [10 6];
M.moduleBrowser.path = 'Spatial';
M.moduleBrowser.image = '../images/Balance.bmp';
M.shapeInfo.svgImage = '../images/Balance.svg';
Although it should be okay to generate an absolute path name try this and see if it solves your issue.