I am working on build automation (including for custom AWE blocks) and there are two issues we have kludged around in the past that I'm looking to address more cleanly. Your help is appreciated.
1) Our build is dependent upon header files that are located in the AWE install directories. The paths (absolute as well as relative to the build directory) to these files will vary user-to-user. Are there any system variables or some such that would ease having automation identify the applicable paths to the dependencies or should I assume I will have to use the Windows path variable and hunt them down?
2) The result of our build includes a set of .lib and .dll files to which Server requires access. I would like to not have to copy them into the Pro install directory for Server to be able to find them. Is there a way I can tell Server where (else) to look for them? I didn't see any applicable lines in the .ini file but that seemed like a reasonable place for them...
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.