I trying to implement a Tcp/IP communication between AweCore in our Hardware (STM32F769), and beetween AweServer.
I allways get a pop-up message: "Can`t connect to target", but in servers message tab I have an info: "Successfully connected to target. Waiting for script commands...", and in error tab, there is no any message.
I have an AWE Designer Version: 8.B.1.3 STMicro. When in this program I push run button,than I get message:
"Could not find target. Check Server connection to target."
In my HW, I can handle TCP/Ip message from Awe Server.
- I fill packet buffer with received data
(8 bytes: Data is: 2c:00:02:00:2c:00:02:00), and I call:
- Than I sent back the data from packet buffer
(whole 1056 bytes: Data is: 00:00:03:00:c5:ff:ff:ff:c5:ff:fc:ff:6e:75:04:00:07:00:00:00:08:00:00:00:09:00:00:00:0a:00:00: only zeros from here)
On a second packet from server
(8 bytes: Data is: 29:00:02:00:29:00:02:00), I responded by:
(whole 1056 bytes: Data is: 00:00:0e:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:fa:45:60:fe:4d:4d:20:10:00:00:64:02:02:0a:01:03:42:08:07:01:00:00:53:54:33:32:46:37:36:39:60:fe:4d:4d:00:00:00:00:49:5c:6b:7a:1e:2f:da:36:00:00: only zeros from here)
After that I get FIN,ACK message from server
Where is the problem?
Can I find any error logs somewhere?
How can I set the correct length of response message? Now I sending the whole response buffer.
Hello Kiraly,
The sample BSP for the STM32F769 we provide on our website uses USB HID for the tuning interface, not TCP/IP. It appears you are trying to implement a TCP/IP tuning interface. For more information on how to do so, please refer to our 'AWECore 8.0 Integration Guide' (DSPConcepts.com > Developer > Documentation > AWECore 8.0 Integration Guide > 5. Setting up a Tuning Interface).
Hello Kevin,
Yeah I read this material, and I maked everything on that base, but it does not work. Are there any tutorial with tcp/ip tuning protocol for other processor, for an example? For us is a more simplest way to implement tcp/ip tuning protocol than usb HID. Principially it is ready yet :), but not works. :(
Hello Kiraly,
The documentation on our website is the best example we provide publicly. I will email you separately to discuss with you alternative options.
Finally I find the problem. I had an error in my tcp/ip connection, and I found the right length for response messages in your usb tutorial (by PACKET_LENGTH_BYTES macro), too.
So thanks for help!
Hello Kiraly,
Thanks for updating this forum post. I'm glad you were able to figure it out.
I am having the same issue. I am not using any script what so ever, I configured my TCP/IP info on the sever and try to connect, go the "Cannot Connect to Target" dialog box. Also, I can ping the target, I can ssh the target. I have all my other software talking to target, I have the correct port available on target.
So, what else should I do? I am extremely new on this. Started 2 days ago.