I am running AWE version 6.18.01 PRO. When I try to pull the WOLA Synthesis module onto the canvas I get the following error. "Adding module failed: Too many input arguments."
From the MATLAB console I see:
>> awe_designer
Using binary from win32-vc100-rel
Successfully connected to target: Native
There are a maximum of 8 SMP cores available.
No static cores found.
Successfully connected to C:\DSP Concepts\Audio Weaver 6.18.01 Pro\Bin\win32-vc100-rel\DesignerGUI.exe
create_module_by_id.p(0): Unable to create module wola_synthesis_subsystem by ID
I have uninstalled AWE and rebooted and reinstalled. I still have this problem. This worked last week, what could have changed?
Hello Darrel,
Thank you for raising this issue.
First thing I would recommend to make sure that you are using correct path. In Matlab open tab "Home" and click on "Set Path". Verify the path to the modules is correct and make sure there are no different paths in the list. You should keep all the paths that starts with "C:\Program Files\" and also that point to your 6.18.01 release.
You also mentioned that it was working last week. I am wondering if you made any changing in your designer (or Matlab) since last week. Please, let me know.
Is there a file, like in program data, that does not get deleted when awe is uninstalled?
Paul, no changes in Matlab. I did re-install designer to try and fix the problem. It still does not work.
I uninstalled Pro, rebooted then installed Standard. When I launch awe I am asked for username and password. When the designer window launches it locks up. When I kill the task Windows tells me that Designer is waiting for an input from me.
There seems to be a conflicting file in my Matlab folder that is not letting WOLA Synthesis to launch. When I change folders I am able to drag the module onto the canvas without any errors.
I still do not understand why the standard version will not launch correctly on my computer.
Hi Darrel,
There is a file that contains the persisted settings for each installed edition of Audio Weaver. This file does not get cleared when you uninstall.
You can delete this file and try rerunning Audio Weaver, but obviously things like your module search path other settings will be reset.
If this doesn't work, the only other thing I can think of is that your MATLAB path has more than Audio Weaver 'matlab' folder in it, for example, from 2 different Designer installations. This could potentially cause Designer to get confused and look in an incorrect and incompatible folder for the WOLA module.
As for using Standard and Pro editions of Designer - if you have been running the Pro edition of Designer through MATLAB, then after you close the Pro edition, please issue a 'clear all' command in MATLAB before launching the Standard edition. This will clear some hidden Designer MATLAB processes/variables that would conflict with a second instance of Designer opening.
Reading your latest comment, it seems like you've solved the issue with the WOLA module. Is this correct?
Yes, the WOLA issue is resolved.
I will try clear all.
Thanks for your help,