I'm using a second order butterworth high-pass filter within a Second Order Filter Cascade. I would like to increase the Q of the filter but changing the value does not appear to actually change anything.
I'm using AWE Standard 6.17.05 at the moment.
I appreciate your advice. Thanks!
Hi Dave,
By definition, a Butterworth filter has a constant Q of 1/sqrt(2) (~.707). This means that in the inspector of the Second Order Filter Cascade module, the Q factor is actually decoupled from the module when the filter type is Butterworth.
If you want to change the Q factor for a second order HPF, there is the VariableQHPF choice at the bottom of the filterType dropdown list that will meet your needs. You'll see that if you set the Q to .707 with this filterType, you'll have the same frequency response as your Butterworth filter.
Hope this helps you out,
Hi Axel,
Thanks for the support.
I realized that the VariableQHPF was not an option in AWE 6.17.05 but it is in the latest version. I'll try it out.