I am trying to get some kind of voice activity detection running. I see that the Sensory THF modules have a speech active output. Is there any stand-alone VAD, or is this the only module that currently does this? Is it possible to get 'empty' model, search, and grammar files so that I can test the speechActive output?
The Sensory THF module requires a trigger model in order to initialize and run. You won't be able to use it as a VAD-only module.
There isn't a dedicated VAD module in Audio Weaver. The "Quiescent Sound Detector" can be tuned and work like a basic VAD.
In Near end VAD, why are you using Crossover Filter LinkwitzRiley ? Based on which research paper or signal flow diagram,, did you design the Near End VAD for STM32 disc board?
Hi AS. I'm not sure which Audio Weaver signal flow you are referring to. Could you attach the AWD and we'll review it? Thank you.
Do you have any advice on how to tune the QSD to work more like a VAD? Currently I'm using a NoiseGateCore and SlewRateLimiter, on a signal with noise reduction and band-passing of the vocal range. Do you think the QSD could significantly out-perform that setup?
QSD is a simple sound detector with band-passing voice frequency range. I think QSD performance should be about the same as your implementation. Sensory voice activity detector performance is about the same as well.