I wanted to ask the possibility of connecting multiple inputs using audio weaver, here is a example of active noise cancellation that i tested
if i wanted to use recordings from two microphone one to capture the voice+noise and the other to capture reduced voice +noise could you please
suggest me how i could modify the following diagram. I am guessing this is not possible in the native mode since we can only play one sound.

I'm assuming that you're running Designer natively.
Are you trying to play 2 separate files as the input to Audio Weaver? Is there a reason you can't combine the 2 files into a multi-channel .wav file? If you can't combine the files, then the only way to play 2 files as input is to use Virtual Audio Cables (see this thread for more details: https://dspconcepts.com/forums/audio-weaver-designer/109-audio-sourcing-...).
If you want multiple microphone inputs to your system, you can go to File->Preferences in the Audio Weaver Server and select all the input devices that you desire. The input pin in your system should update the number of channels based on the preferences you select.
Let me know if I haven't answered your question.
Hello Axel
Thank you for your reply, I will test with Virtual audio cable. Returning to your suggestion , is there a block in audio weaver to split the combined track recorded into mono channel. I can combine the two track recorded using audacity and try to split the audio track.
I would suggest combining your two tracks into a single file using Audacity, as you mention. Then in Designer, you can use the Deinterleave module to split each channel into a different wire.
Hello Axel,
Thank you for your suggestion i was assuming Deinterleave just copy the same signal into two different channel. However i am encountering this problem and i dont know if it has been asked, I get a error when i run the program i am not sure if it is a issue of licence or if it is due to firewall
Are you using file input or line input in Layout->Layout Properties? If using line input, what input devices are enabled and how many audio channels do you expect?
Thank you for your reply, now when i compile the program i do not get the error. I am using the file input for now and can successfully spit the audio channel into two with deinterleave.
Is this still the case that multiple inputs cannot be connected? Can't I just connect different input microphone files by just adding several HW blocks to Audio Weaver Designer? Or do I just need to combine for example 2 recorded mic signals into one stereo .wav file using Audacity etc?
Hello Mike,
Yes, if you have different microphone input files you can combine them into a multi-track audio file using a DAW (like Audacity), and after selecting that audio track to pump through Audio Weaver layout via Layout Properties, all of the tracks/channels will play through the single default HW Input pin.